Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence

Medical Doctors, Medical Consultants, Surgeons, Dentists and others who look after the health and wellbeing of people, owe their patients the highest possible duty of care.

Medical Negligence *happens when medical practitioners fail their patients in that duty:

  •  by failing to diagnose illnesses or conditions - making wrong diagnosis.
  • prescribing incorrect medication.
  • making mistakes during operations or other medical procedures, such as giving birth, hip or other joint replacements.

Medical negligence can result in death, physical or psychological injury, damage, disability or impairment. It can have long or short term consequences. We have dealt with many compensation claims arising from medical negligence. We have access to expert doctors and consultants in all areas of medicine who are prepared to advise in cases where medical negligence may have occurred. If you think you have been the victim of medical negligence, please contact us at Steen O’Reilly LLP where we will be happy to advise you on a strictly confidential basis.

If you are concerned that you might be affected by the recent revelations concerning Cervical Check and cervical cancer screening in Ireland and would like to speak to one of our solicitors please contact this office to arrange a consultation wherein you can discuss your matter in complete confidence.

"In contentious business, a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage of any award or settlement."

Steen O'Reilly LLP Solicitors


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